영문 국가공무원법을 보면, “5급 공무원”을 “Public official of class V”로 표기하고 있다. 이는 잘못된 표현이라고 생각한다. grade와 class는 엄밀히 다른 개념이고, 국가공무원법 내에서도 계급을 grade로, 직급은 class로 쓰고 있는데 ‘5급’을 ‘class V’로 표기하는건 정확한 표현이라 볼 수 없다. 美 인사법령(5 U.S.Code 5102) 상 정의를 봐도, grade가 class를 포괄하는 개념으로서 미국 연방공무원의 직무등급 체계인 GS와 상응하는 것으로 나타나있다. 인사혁신처 영문 사이트에서도 grade가 쓰이고 있으니, “Class V”보다는 “Grade 5″로 표현하는 것이 더 좋은 표현일 듯 하다.
[WIKI: Suburb] urban, metropolitan, central or inner city, annex, urban sprawl, municipality, borough, exurb, rural, neighborhood, transit.
A suburb (or suburban area or suburbia) is a commercial, mixed-use, or residential area. It can exist either as part of a city/urban area and can often have a large degree of employment. In some metropolitan areas, they exist as separate residential communities within commuting distance of a city.
Suburbs might have their own political or legal jurisdiction, especially in the United States, but this is not always the case, especially in the United Kingdom where most suburbs are located within the administrative boundaries of cities. In most English-speaking countries, suburban areas are defined in contrast to central or inner-city areas, but in Australian English and South African English, the suburb has become largely synonymous with what is called a "neighborhood" in other countries, and the term encompasses inner-city areas.
In some areas, such as Australia, India, China, New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom, and parts of the United States, new suburbs are routinely annexed by adjacent cities due to urban sprawl. In others, such as Morocco, France, and much of the United States, many suburbs remain separate municipalities or are governed locally as part of a larger metropolitan area such as a county, district, or borough.
In the United States, regions beyond the suburbs are exurbs or "exurban areas", with less population density (but still more than rural areas) but linked to the metropolitan area economically, particularly by commuters.
Suburbs first emerged on a large scale in the 19th and 20th centuries as a result of improved rail and road transport, which led to an increase in commuting. In general, they are less densely populated than inner-city neighborhoods within the same metropolitan area, and most residents routinely commute to city centers or business districts via private vehicles or public transits; however, there are many exceptions, including industrial suburbs, planned communities, and satellite cities. Suburbs tend to proliferate around cities that have an abundance ofadjacent flat land.
As nouns, the difference between railing and rail is thatrailingis a fence or barrier consisting of one or more horizontal rails and vertical supports while rail is a horizontal bar extending between supports and used for support or as a barrier. (ref.)
'rail'은 '난간'의 의미와 함께 '철로'(鐵路, railroad, railway, train track)의 가늘고 긴 강철재인 '레일' 의미가 강하다.