우리가 통상 '콘센트'라 부르는 것은 'socket', 'electrical outlet', 'power point'.


우리가 통상 '멀티탭'이라 부라는 것은 'power strip'.


우리가 통사 '리드선'이라 부르는 것은 'extension cord' 또는 'wire reel'.



멀티-탭 (multi-tap)

[전기·전자] 여러 개의 플러그(plug)를 꽂을 수 있게 만든 이동식 콘센트.

고정된 콘센트에 연결하여 여러 개의 전기 기구를 동시에 사용할 수 있게 해 준다.


리드-선 (lead線)

[전기·전자] 단자(端子)와 단자 사이를 이어 주는 전선. 그 형태와 규격은 이어야 할 회로의 특성에 따라 결정된다.


출처: 표준국어대사전

Power strip.

power strip (also known as an extension block, extension box, power board, power bar, plug board, pivot plug, trailing gang, trailing socket, plug bar, trailer lead, multi-socket, multiplug, multi-gang, multi-box, multibox, socket board, super plug, multiple socket, multiple outlet, pole socket and by many other variations) is a block of electrical sockets that attaches to the end of a flexible cable (typically with a mains plug on the other end), allowing multiple electrical devices to be powered from a single electrical socket. (WIKI)



A multitap is a video game console peripheral that increases the number of controller ports available to the player, allowing additional controllers to be used in play, similar to a USB hub or a power strip. A multitap often takes the form of a box with three or more controller ports which are then connected to a controller port on the console itself. (WIKI)



리드선 / 릴선 / electric wire reel 


참고: https://www.clien.net/service/board/lecture/12570667

I would call that entire device "a power strip with a long cord."

If the fact that it has a long cord isn't important, I would just call it "a power strip." On the other hand, I might call the whole device "an extension cord," since it serves the purpose of an extension cord.

I would call the three parts of that device "the plug" (the part that plugs into the wall), "the body" (the part that you can plug several devices into), and "the cord" (the cable that connects the plug to the body).

This power strip has four sockets, which are also called outlets. You can plug one device into each socket.

I've never heard the word "powerboard" before; maybe that's an Australian word. I live in the United States.


출처: https://ell.stackexchange.com/


What is it called? a socket? an extension cord? or both?

socket: 1 a place in a wall where you can connect electrical equipment to the supply of electricity SYN power point British English, outlet American English exˈtension ˌlead British English,




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