Repair는 '수리', Reparation은 '배상금'의 의미로 쓰인다.
Repair Center. 수리 센터.
German Reparation for the War. 독일의 전쟁 배상금.
Repairment는 거의 쓰이지 않는 단어이다.
To repair something means to fix it, to restore something to a working condition, or to restore something that is damaged to a state in which it appears to be new. Repair may also mean to mend a broken situation, such as improving a bad relationship with another person. Repair is a transitive verb, which is a verb that takes an object. Related words are repairs, repaired, repairing.
Repair is also used as a noun. If used to mean the activity of fixing something, then repair is used as a mass noun that does not have a plural form. If used to mean the result of fixing something, then repair is a countable noun, with the plural form repairs. The word repair is derived from the Latin word reparare which means to restore.
Reparation is recompense that is granted to crime victims or others who have been injured. When a criminal is convicted, his victim or victims are sometimes granted compensation for the harm they have suffered. The justice system in most countries considers victims of crime and their survivors to be entitled to redress.
Reparations are paid by a nation that loses a war, as restitution and to compensate for losses incurred by nations that had to defend themselves. The practice of requiring a defeated nation to make reparations or to pay restitution is not as common in modern times. After World War II, the Allies actually infused money into Germany and Japan, building their economies. This new way of treating defeated nations resulted in firm friendships with Germany and Japan, today.
Note that reparation refers to an individual case of compensation, while reparations refers to restitution after a war. Both reparation and reparations are mass nouns. Reparation is also derived from the Latin word reparare.
repairment. The act of repairing.
[Part or all of this entry has been imported from the 1913 edition of Webster’s Dictionary, which is now free of copyright and hence in the public domain. The imported definitions may be significantly out of date, and any more recent senses may be completely missing.
(See the entry for repairment in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.)]
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